Mental Health: A Humanly Aspect
Mental health is a complex and mostly misunderstood subject but it’s mainly depended on human experience. It determines our thinking, feelings and behaviors. It affects dealing with pressure, relationship with others and the process of our decision. However, it is an uninterrupted part of our life. Still, mental health is neglected for misconception and for lack of awareness.
Problems related to mental health doesn’t appear with warning or in a specific time. It affects human life as their experience. Mental health is diverse like our experience from silent anxiety to intense fight of depression. Understanding the discussion of mental health means this challenge is not for once and it’s not a subject to ignore or hide.
The Silent Struggle: Living with Mental Health Problems
When some one suffers from mental health, then it’s not always visible signs it externally. People can see only a tired face, a craved body or a smiling face. However, under this external face it has some feelings and thoughts which are very difficult to express or explain. This invisible struggle makes it more difficult to share their feelings and asking for help.
Consider a beginner who is speaking out loud and creating a fog that is obscuring his mind and making even the simplest tasks difficult. It is often a continuous presence of feelings of depression that distorts reality, making everyday tasks absolutely impossible. It’s not about sadness, it’s deep haunting feelings of depression, loneliness and exhaustion that last long after the morning light breaks.
On the other hand, anxiety reveals different way, it comes up with intense fear and worry without any reason. For many, this will be a sense that traps them in an infinite cycle of “what’s going to happen?” wherein the thoughts run thru a listing of potential dangers, despite the fact that there may be no real threat. For being non-stop alertness create excessive fatigue each bodily and mentally.
As if all mental health problems are different form one another, but the common thing is it profound a deep impact on self-confidence and self-esteem. Mental illness can damage someone’s self-confidence and the position in society. So, adding humanity to the discussion about mental health means remembering that behind every problem, every symptom and every struggle is a human being, a human being with dreams, fears, and hopes just like everyone else.
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Breaking down prejudice: the need for empathy
The biggest barrier of mental health is stigma. The stigma related to mental health problem makes people lonely and reluctant asking help.
People with mental health problem are sometimes seen weak, lazy and not caring. This type of misinformed ideas prevents peoples from asking for help and force them to suffer in silence. But the truth is mental health problem doesn’t reflect personal weakness. These are medical condition that deserve the same care and attention as physical illness.
When we discuss about mental health in humane way, we accept that asking help isn’t weakness rather it’s a sign of strength. Just like going to doctor for a broken leg, seeking treatment or counselling for mental health problem should be a part of self-awareness and courage. Our language, perspective and empathy on this issue we can create a more supportive environment where people will feel safe and open up to ask for help.
Empathy is very important to breaking stigma. Instead of pointing finger and judging, we need to listen and offer support to them. We have to create a place where people can discuss about their struggle openly without any without any kind of ridicule or denigration. In this we can create a culture of understanding. A culture where mental health is seen as a part of our collective human experience.
Effect of Social Connection
Human are social animal by nature and our relation with others plays an important role in mental health. Social support can be a powerful protective element against mental health problem. Conversation with friends, sympathy from relatives and a supportive community can significantly change the ability to cope with stress and danger.
However, in today’s fast paced world social connection often comes under strain. The use of social media has changed how we communicate with each other and sometimes it can make us feel alone. As a result, some become further isolated from their friends and family, which increase their mental health problems.
Understanding mental health humanly means the understanding the power of connection. This means when we see someone is struggling, then we have to reach them and provide support. It means reaching out family and friends not just when they are well but when we realize that something is not right. Building authentic and meaningful relationship isn’t just beneficial but also a fundamental part of our own mental wellbeing.
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Road to Recovery: Hope and Treatment
Recovery from mental health is possible but often it is not a straight path. Like physical illness, mental health recovery takes time and sometimes it can fall again. For many it can be a combination of therapy, medication and support and care from loved ones. It is important to know that getting successful in treatment is not getting well quickly or getting perfect result. Recovery means that it allows a person to get back to a meaningful life from mental health challenge.
The Journey of recovery is personal and it requires a lot of diligence and patience. This path can be so long and unknown but it is also filled with moment of self-development, self-confidence and strength. Recovery doesn’t mean to be free it is about moving toward a new life.
Conclusion: Mental health is a part of our life
Mental health is a deep human experience. It touches every one directly or indirectly, but it is always left out of the discussion. When we understand mental health in human way, we remind our self that these are not distant but they are a part of us. Every person’s mental health journey is different but the fundamental is same. We all deserve compassion, support and care.
By breaking stigma, understanding and building connection, we can create a world where mental health is as important as physical health. Let’s start talking, listening and stand together that no one has to face their mental health challenge alone.